Reasonable nutrition

美 [ˈriːznəbl nuˈtrɪʃn]英 [ˈriːznəbl njuˈtrɪʃn]
  • 网络合理营养
Reasonable nutritionReasonable nutrition
  1. Objective : To solve reasonable nutrition of schoolchildren in city .


  2. Discusses on Reasonable Nutrition for the Female Wushu Routine Athlete


  3. Objective To explore reasonable nutrition support method for severe acute pancreatitis ( SAP ) .


  4. Effectiveness Evaluation of Health Education on Reasonable Nutrition among Community Residents in Baoshan District , Shanghai


  5. Therefore , adequate and reasonable nutrition may play an important role for the growth and development and physical health .


  6. The Necessity of the Reasonable Nutrition and the Oxygen Movement in Slimming


  7. Reasonable nutrition management improved turf grass initial stage growth significantly which enhanced turf quality during cold winter .


  8. Early effective protection liver function and reasonable nutrition support is the key to prevent the hepatogenic glycometabolism .


  9. The reasonable nutrition was supplied and maintained the body meta-blic balance for high fever patients .


  10. Conclusions When the effect of bad genetic factors eliminated , reasonable nutrition is a major measure that prevents children from delayed growth .


  11. We must rationally arrange the training of the soccer referee and reasonable nutrition supplement is also important to the referee .


  12. Reasonable nutrition concentration and the parameter of DRIS in these three seedlings ( one year ) are determined through the method of nutrition diagnosis .


  13. Supplies of reasonable nutrition and energy are one of important factors of improvement in survival of very low birth weight ( VLBW ) infants .


  14. This period of proper rest and reasonable nutrition and diet and the liver of the rational use of drugs is common to all acute viral hepatitis therapy .


  15. Owing to much energy lost during the training , providing additional and reasonable nutrition can not be neglected since it is the basis of scientific training and effective improvement of one 's health .


  16. It must raise the clinical doctors ' attention . Explicit nutrition support indication , strengthen nutrition , reasonable nutrition have important clinical significance to the prognosis of patients with acute peritonitis .


  17. At that point , during pregnancy , poor nutrition may be some adulthood of disease cause . At the same time the reasonable nutrition therapy during pregnancy can reduce pregnancy complications .


  18. According to the characteristics of ping-pong as athletic and body-building sports , this article analyses the reasonable nutrition demand for ping-pong athletes , and suggests providing them with reasonable diet .


  19. Objective To investigate the nutrition status of the middle school students in Yueyang City and to provide scientific basis for taking effective intervention measures to supervise reasonable nutrition and promote the middle school students ' health and growing .


  20. Conclusion : The health education should be strengthened , and cause the student to form the good diet habit , adjust student 's meals structure , and achieve the reasonable nutrition , balanced meals , development nutrition monitor .


  21. The behavior rate of reasonable nutrition was 54.15 % , that of the household register ( 63.33 % ) was higher than that of unregister ( 51.61 % ), there was significant difference ( P < 0.05 ) .


  22. Therefore , it is very important to give a preoperative nutritional assessment for the patients with gastric cancer in surgical treatment , and according to the individual nutrition , formulating reasonable nutrition plan is very important of postoperative recovery and prognosis .


  23. By the introduction of alpine athletics events and the analysis of its functional system , the author proposes some suggestions in view of the nutrition supplement during matches in order to improve the training results and competing score through reasonable nutrition .


  24. Methods : In view of 178 examples diabeteses nephrosis patient 's different clinical characteristic , Reasonable nutrition ingredient and so on supplies sugar , protein , fat , Vitamin and mineral substance , adopts the corresponding diet to nurse the measure .


  25. Balanced and reasonable diet and nutrition are the basis of human health .


  26. Conclusion Diet structure of was not reasonable completely and nutrition education should be strengthed .


  27. Fertilizing reasonable , balancing nutrition , emphasizing the coupling effect of water and fertilizers .


  28. AIM : To analyzed and investigate the reasonable and effective nutrition ways for high level distance runner in university .


  29. CCW has the basic philosophy that the consumer has a right to a reasonable standard of nutrition , clothing and housing ;


  30. To ensure the relative balance of plant nutrients was a important part of fertilization reasonable , but nutrition diagnosis is the scientific basis for fertilization reasonable .
